Monday, April 13, 2009

Lose the weight

I'm at work and already itching to write a new post...this is pretty addicting I must say...
So, I am dying here....I woke up this morning and could barely zip up one of my favorite pairs of work pants. These pants use to be loss on me! So, I got to work and while drinking my coffee, all I could think about was eating cookies. See, when I feel fat, I eat. Isn't it weird that it doesn't motivate me when I feel fat, instead I just eat. So, I decided to join back on weight watchers online. My goal since Jan. has been to lose weight for my best friend, Lindi's, wedding. Now I am realizing how very close May 30th is, so I am going to get serious!
Today I have eaten really well so far. The hardest thing for me is the sweets that people bring into work. I eat like a pig here because people are always baking sweets! So, I have said no to everything today and have just eaten healthy.
I am going to workout today at Urban Active where I have a membership (which hasn't been used much). Wish me luck and I will update you on my progress. I hope this will motivate me!!!!


The McGregor Clan said...

You go girl!!! I agree with the not eating. I can't eat just one cookie, I tend to eat several, so it's just good to not even eat one when you are trying to get "on the wagon." Whatever I can do to encourage you, let me know.

The Meguiar Family said...

We need to start a neighborhood walking club. I went to the Y tonight and worked out...I have exactly 2 months until we go to Florida, so I'm gettin' on the wagon, too!