Tuesday, October 19, 2010

catch up!

I haven't blogged since January!!! SO, here's me catching up quickly...
BIG SNOW in January! We were trapped and didn't have school for days! It was great, but keeping Ava entertained was rough!

For the second time, I sent in my National Board Portfolio! I find out at the end of November if I got it!

Then I went to Idaho all by myself to visit my mom. It was the most impacting trip of my life. I learned so much about myself while there and gained great perspective! I even skiied and had a blast!

We had a huge flood in Nashville and we were trapped for a few days in our neighborhood. It rained and rained for two-three days straight. Again...keeping Ava entertained was rough...but she is so cute, isn't she?!
We went to Hilton Head as a family of 3 for the first time. We had a great time, although I was sick a lot because of the new addtion that will be coming soon-ALEXANDRIA FAITH!!

Ava, my dad, and I went to Michigan to visit family and hang out at the lake! We had a blast on the boat, swimming, and I loved just laying around while Aunt Laurie played all day with Ava! I love this picture because it shows one of Ava's favorite things to play now...putting her animals down for "nap".

Ava did a swim class this summer and this fall has started dance!

Ava rides her first horse at a fall festival that we went to a few weeks ago.

I want to start documenting funny Ava-isms now, so I knew it was important for me to catch this up! Thanks for reading it!

1 comment:

Elicia said...

You look BEAUTIFUL in that picture of the three of you at Hilton Head! I really need to catch up my blog... EEK!