Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas and 2010

We had a really nice Christmas this year...I have a ton of pictures, but I have "snapfish"ed all of them yet, so I only had a few to choose from. (I'm on my school computer, so I don't have all our family pics)
So, here are a few from our "Morel Family Christmas" with Paul's family. It was really nice and naturally, Ava and Alana had a great time together!

Grandpa and Mamaw got Ava her first car!!

This is Ava and Alana snuggling under Ava's "blankie". She has been sleeping with this and "kitty" since the first few weeks she was born. "Blankie" is from her Auntie Lori.

Janna and I got some awesome matching pj's. They were hotter than fire, though!! We thought we'd be funny and take pictures!

So, we had a great holiday season, but I'm not going to lie here in the blog world...it was a hard one for me. I don't know why it was harder than last year, but it was. Maybe it's because this was the first "official" Christmas with my parents divorced...I don't know why, but that made it harder for me. I cried a lot and mourned the loss of my childhood family. God is working on me, though...I am learning everyday about His neverending Love and GRACE! I am so thankful that God still loves me, even when I feel very mad at Him sometimes!


So I graduated from high school 10 years ago!!! That is so crazy! I am working on ways to get out of my "phunk" of being sad about my family, so I have decided to live a little differently in the next decade...

My hope for the next decade is this...

To enjoy the little things, eat healthier, simplify!!, laugh more, love more, hope more, and have faith that God will take care of the big AND the little things!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Love the pictures...especially the matching PJ'S!!!! So Funny!