Sunday, February 3, 2008

Ava is already 7 months!

Hi, everyone! We are so excited to be starting a blog for our family. Ava is growing so fast and I thought this would be a fun way to keep everyone updated on our lives. Paul has just gotten a promotion and work and is still trying to learn the ropes of the new job. It is pretty intense!

I went back to work in October and thought I was going to die, but I adjusted to it finally. I love my class. They are very hardworking and we love to joke around together. I am still teaching 4th grade, which I'm pretty sure is the best grade to teach! I can't see myself leaving this grade for a while. They are so fun to teach!

Ava had a horrible double ear-infection this past week. The antibiotics are finally kicking in. I think she is also getting her top two teeth, but we'll see...
She is the greatest joy of my life! She loves to giggle and smile and talk to us. (some times her talking sounds like screaming. I think she just loves to hear what her vocal chords can do!)
We are so blessed. I think everyday about what a wonderful blessing she is. We know that raising a child is a huge responsibility that God has given us, and we are so thankful to be apart of raising this child of God.
This is Ava after church one Sunday.
Ava loves eating peaches! This is my mom, Ava will call her Mimi, feeding her

Alana is our neice, and her and Ava are two peas in a pod! They just love playing with each other already!


The McGregor Clan said...

I love it!!!! Add me to your friend list. Miriam does this. Her's is "it's a mom's thing." on my blog. Somebody at church stopped me today and said that after seeing Ava she thinks Alana and her could be sisters. I laughed and said that Paul's genes must have been dominant in both of our girls!!! Love you and have a great week!!

Casey B. said...

I can't get over how beautiful that baby is! Brooke, she looks just like you! I am so happy for you and Paul. I can't wait to see Ava in person. I miss you, girl!

The Meguiar Family said...

Lovely blog, Mrs. Morel!