Friday, April 17, 2009

The answers!

Just so you know....none of you are smarter than a 3rd grader! None of you got a 100%!!! Here are the real answers:
1. declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory
2. articles in speech are "a,an, and the"
3. stratus, cumulus, altostratus, and cirrus
4. sedimentary (formed by rivers), metamorphic (formed by heat or other variables), igneous (formed by volcanoes)
5. Photosynthesis-good job Brigid, I'm impressed!
6. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto( scientist are still 50/50 on this topic, it is being debated, we still have to teach it!)

Good try people, but I want to know-how do you feel a/b the fact that 8 yr. olds are required to learn this stuff?

1 comment:

The Meguiar Family said...

Yeah, I've always wondered what the big deal my adult life I have yet to need to absolutely know what the types of rocks are, much less how they are formed. Or what the square root of 924 is, or anything like that...I mean, seriously. Not to say that your job as a 3rd grade teacher is not extremely important, but what's up with all the useless stuff they have to learn?